Skygazers To Meet January 16

Moon eclipse in Taurus (Photo by Richard Spitzer)

Sam Miller

The SaddleBrooke Skygazers Astronomy Club will meet on Sunday, Jan. 16, at the DesertView Theater, 39900 S. Clubhouse Drive, at 7 p.m. This program meeting is on the third Sunday of the month, as opposed to our normal second Sunday. The program will consist of “Astronomy Appetizers” and current events by Lockwood Carlson, a constellation study by Richard Spitzer, and a guest speaker from the University of Arizona’s Department of Astronomy.

In addition to monthly meetings with guest speakers from the field of astronomy, the Skygazers Astronomy Club conducts star parties here in SaddleBrooke and various locations in Tucson and the surrounding area. Oracle State Park, Biosphere 2, and Catalina State Park are frequent locations. We also partner with the Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association to conduct outreach and educational star parties at schools, other educational institutions, and other events throughout the Tucson area. Our members provide their telescopes and other resources to view and discuss the beauty of the night sky, as well as how encroaching light pollution threatens our dark night skies.

The SaddleBrooke Skygazers Astronomy Club meets monthly (and typically) on the second Sunday evening at 7 p.m. at the DesertView Theater. The next SaddleBrooke star parties are on Wednesday, Jan. 5, and Thursday, Feb. 3, at the softball field parking lot from 6:30 to 8 p.m. The public is welcome to both. Club and star party information can be obtained by emailing Sam Miller at