It’s the Pits!

Jim Ryan

Horseshoe pits, that is—ringers, leaners, points, and fun.

It’s the horseshoe pits’ Open House every Tuesday and Friday, and you are invited. All SaddleBrooke One and SaddleBrooke TWO residents are welcome. Sandy Best, the only female horseshoe pitcher, extends an extra-special welcome to other women to join her. Come on, ladies, give it a try!

Every Tuesday from 8:30 to 10 a.m., and every Friday from 8 to 9:30 a.m., you have the opportunity to socialize and exercise with others. The pits are located adjacent to the SaddleBrooke softball field. Experienced horseshoe players will be present to offer you any advice or suggestions you may desire. Come on down and meet Joe Fiorito, Don Stone, Gary Zellinger, and others.

You also have the opportunity to play horseshoes seven days a week with your buddies during the daylight hours. Your former pool key will unlock the storage box located by the pits. The storage box contains everything you’ll need to play. You are required to sign a waiver sheet, which is located in the storage box, and leave it in the box.

Through the mutual cooperation of the administration of SaddleBrooke One and SaddleBrooke TWO and volunteer residents, the courts were constructed several years ago and have been recently upgraded. They are in prime condition.

More info will be forthcoming about a special horseshoe clinic.

Give Joe Fiorito a call at 520-818-0363, or call Don Stone at 520-909-7872 if you want information about the Tuesday playing times. Give Ray Barrow a call at 660-676-7420 if you want information about the Friday playing times.