SaddleBrooke Squares took a bus trip to Mesa.
Rita Fletcher
The New Year started off with a Bee Line bus trip on January 3 up to Mesa for square dancing with other square dance clubs. Having worked up an appetite, stopping at Organ Stop Pizza was well deserved. You have to stop there just to hear the organ! If you recognize anyone in the picture, do ask them about this fun filled time. One couple said it was the most fun they ever had since the last hay ride they were on.
Thursday, January 14 the Oracle Inn was the site for our club dinner dance followed by a happy hour of adult refreshments afterward to continue the glow.
The following weekend was a mini-fest in downtown Tucson for square dancers held at a local hotel.
January 21 was our progressive dinner and dance. We believe in working off the calories in a fun way.
In February we head to the Yuma Civic Center for a really big square dance festival over Valentine’s weekend. People come from surrounding states making it a reunion every year to look forward to.
We also enjoy going over to our neighbors for joint dances with the Sundancers at Sun City Vistoso. We also go to the Catalina Recreation Center for a change of scenery for several dances.
The MountainView Ballroom is the sight for our weekly club dance held at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday evenings. Sundays at 7:00 p.m. and Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. is reserved for our new members to learn and practice with our resident professional caller Larry Kraber. If you would like to see us in action, do! Check us out; we welcome you to join us as we start lessons for new beginners or refresher classes in October. Reserve your spot now and join our family for fun festive times.