36422 Ocotillo Canyon Drive, photo by Robert Kaufman

Winner 2020,
Sanchez Santa Sleigh

Winner 2020,
Just Elfing Around
SaddleBrooke One is excited to host the ninth annual Golf Cart and Lights Parade on Tuesday, Dec. 21, at 5 p.m., starting at the SaddleBrooke One driving range, with check-in and registration on the RoadRunner Grill patio.
Decorate your carts and join the fun, sharing Christmas cheer with your friends and neighbors. Last year, we looked at 33 light displays, some of the best we have ever seen over the last eight years. The final choices were very difficult to make.
A special congratulations goes to the SaddleBrooke Clubhouse for their 44,000-light display.
Registration/check-in begins at 5 p.m. The parade starts at 5:45 p.m./dusk.
We ask that participants decorate their golf cars with lights and seasonal/holiday decorations, and we will give awards for the best decorations for both golf cars and the homes that we tour at a post-parade party in the Activities Center.
We also are asking homeowners to decorate their homes, and if they notify us in advance, we will try to include them on the parade route.
We will post a Google map of the proposed parade route about a week before the parade on our website, as we did last year, and we will leave from the clubhouse and come back to it at the end of the parade. There will be a $5 registration fee this year to cover the rental and clean-up for the Activities Center.
Please use the online early registration form at https://saddlebrooke.org/golfcartparade.html.
This is a fun event for all SaddleBrooke residents and their guests to help us all enjoy the holidays and get in the spirit.
For more information and to be a parade participant, please fill in the form and return it, or contact us at 408-691-0900 with any questions.
Have a healthy, very happy holiday and an awesome new year.