Judy Schilling Niners 2019 Club Champion.
The Niners are really enjoying the fabulous spring weather. Lots of members are playing weekly and, of course, play is followed by lunch and socializing at the RoadRunner Grill. Soon we will be saying good-bye to the winter folks and will look forward to seeing them again in the fall.
Our Club Championship Tournament was held this month. Congratulations to Judy Schilling, our 2019 Club Champion. Her gross scores were 45 on the Tucson course and 44 on Catalina. As well as naming our club champion, this tournament had flight winners. The Prickly Pear flight was won by Debbie Thompson, Theresa Mares was the Saguaro flight winner and Marilyn Webb was the Cholla Flight winner. Good job, ladies.
The Niners participate in the State Medallion tournament. This tournament compares players’ net and gross totals over four specific days to come up with a net and a gross winner who are invited to the State Medallion Tournament. The first State Medallion qualifier was played on March 26. Flight winners were Sandy Wagoner, Ann Irwin and Arlene Baravik. Congratulations to these ladies for their outstanding play.
The next event we are planning is the Ladies Choice Tournament. The theme for this year’s event is Dynamic Duos. Ladies choose a partner who is not their spouse or significant other for this competition. Everyone looks forward to this fun event and the lunch that follows.
2019 has been the year for change as far as the rules of golf are concerned. There have been numerous training sessions and we are all adjusting to the new rules. A special thanks to Cathe Kropp, our rules person, for her dedication to making sure we are aware of changes as they relate to our courses.
Enjoy this wonderful spring weather and consider becoming a Niner and joining us on the course on Tuesdays.