First place Flight 2: Mary Ricacchi, Betty Edwards, Carol Bidwell and Shirley Morris

First place Flight 3: Sharon Dicosola, Maire Ryan, Char Crossman and Ann Running

First place Flight 1: Ret Convey, Abbie Egolf, Brenda Wilson and Doris Smith
On September 25, 80 ladies from the combined SaddleBrooke Lady Niners and the SBWGA-18 came together for their annual LAGOS Tournament. It was an absolutely beautiful day in SaddleBrooke and all the ladies lived up to the theme of “Girls Just Want To Have Fun.” The event was chaired by the SBWGA-18 this year and Dede Crowder and her committee did an outstanding job of providing a fun and festive tournament. After the fun and spirited play, the winners emerged.
In the 1st flight, first place went to Ret Convey, Abbie Egolf, Doris Smith and Brenda Wilson. Second place honors went to a two-way tie between Brenda Brown, Barbara Starrett, Jan Kreis and Regina Pang and the team of Debbie Green, Geri Conser, Dede Crowder and Linda Watkins.
In the 2nd flight, first place went to Mary Ribacchi, Shirley Morris, Carol Bidwell and Betty Edwards. Second place was won by Connie Culley, Terry Hoffman, Reva Stolpe and Sue Schliefsiek. Third place honors went to Phyllis Sarrels, Jo Ann Ellison, Angie Denahan and Betty Michelson.
In the 3rd flight, the first place winners were Ann Running, Sharon Dicosola, Maire Ryan and Char Crossman. In second place was the team of Maggie Falconer, Barb Verbus, Yvonne Lecornu and Kay Davis. Third place honors went to Gail Plimpton, Judy Schilling, Marcia Keim and Hedy Gryszan.
We also had two other winners for the day, Closest to the Pin. The winner for the Lady Niners was Karla Kincaid and for SBWGA-18 the winner was Maggie Falconer. A huge congratulations to all the ladies! Everyone had a great time at the event and we all look forward to another great tournament next year. Both teams have a mandatory break coming up; the closing of the courses for the over-seeding process. But we all look forward to playing again in two weeks. The Lady Niners have their annual Sputters Tournament coming up in October; a real favorite because we each get to have one of the Sputters do all the putting for us!