AZT in a Day was a special event to celebrate the 800+ mile Arizona National Scenic Trail. For the first time in United States’ history a national scenic trail was hiked, biked and ridden by equestrians from beginning to end in 24 hours. Members of our SaddleBrooke Hiking Club hiked the entire 8.7-mile Oracle Passage in two groups.
Roy Carter led a group to the American Flag Ranch House. Hikers Karen and Roy Carter, Jan Springer, Bill and Georgette Brown, Pam Wakefield, Jim Steger, Kenneth Larsen and Martha Hackworth enjoyed a tour of the American Flag Ranch House. The ranch house is the longest standing post office from years 1880-1890. The Oracle Historical Society has furnished the ranch house with items of historical interest. There was a lot to see and learn.
Ray Peale led a group to Tiger Mine Trailhead. Hikers were Sandra Sowell, Kent Naugle, Joe and Joyce Maurizzi, Sharon Simpson, Michael Hovan, Brenda and Danny Cain. Not only did they hike the longer hike they picked up trash along Tiger Mine Road.
Both groups joined together at the Tiger Mine Trailhead to celebrate their participation in AZT in a Day. Hiker Martha Hackworth, almost 86, was acknowledged for being the oldest person we know hiking on the Arizona Trail. Beverages, treats and chips were provided by Bill and Georgette Brown, Pam Wakefield, Jan Springer, Elisabeth Wheeler and Ray Peale. Enthusiasm is building to participate in the next Arizona Trail work event.