SaddleBrooke Fine Arts Guild Launches New Logo

Connie Kotke, Publicity Chair

What’s the SaddleBrooke Fine Arts Guild? Many of you already know about this growing, nonprofit club in our community where artists get together to share ideas and skills. But many of you don’t know the size of our organization (approaching 200 people), the types of art our members practice, or even that we offer classes and mentoring for every level of artist—from beginner to advanced. As SaddleBrooke grows and welcomes new residents, so does this vibrant, fun group that supports the arts.

The Fine Arts Guild has been around for many years, but like our community, it has evolved to support a larger scope of work that interests our residents. That’s why we decided to update our brand identity. Some types of art (such as digital) did not even exist a few years ago! And we recognize that the arts include more than paint and pencils on paper or canvas.

“Like many clubs in SaddleBrooke, we need to project an image that catches people’s eyes and ensures they recognize us when they see our materials and communications. Today, we’re pleased to launch this colorful new logo and a new tagline: “Where Art is Fun!” explained Guild marketing coordinator, Delys Nast. Guild President Karen Brungardt added, “Our old logo served the group well, but it no longer represents the many art forms and activities our members now enjoy.”

The old standby mediums used by many Guild members are still around and practiced, but artists have developed new tools and new ways to express their creativity. While we all know and love painting, artists in our midst now paint on fabric and then turn those pieces into new forms that are more practical or more decorative. A photographer’s work can now be printed on canvas and hung on the wall in virtually any size or shape. That same photograph might feature painterly techniques from multiple images with the composition rendered on a computer. And those examples just scratch the surface of the types of art that are practiced today. The world of art is ever-changing, and the Guild embraces this progress.

Watch for our new logo on brochures, signs, and more. Together with our informative website (which includes online registration and payment for classes and outreach activities, profiles of our talented artists, and an up-to-date calendar of events), we are excited to welcome you to the SaddleBrooke Fine Arts Guild.

SaddleBrooke residents (members and nonmembers) are encouraged to join us for informative monthly meetings on the first Tuesday of each month (September through May) starting at 4 p.m. in the Activity Center in SaddleBrooke One. You’re also invited to take part in stimulating Art Salon discussions on the third Wednesday of each month (September through May) starting at 10: 30 a.m. in the Topaz Room at the Arts & Crafts Center adjacent to MountainView clubhouse. Visit for more information on these and other activities.