Carol Quarton, from Tucson, proudly displays her finished artworks.

Debbie Wicks, SaddleBrooke resident, blends colors on her raven.
Connie Kotke, Publicity Chair
On Nov. 18, 10 new and seasoned artists learned that pastel doesn’t always mean light blue, green, yellow, and pink. To start the class titled Exploring Pastels, guild instructor Delys Nast explained that pastels are actually pigments that are ground into a paste with water, then formed into soft pencils, sticks, and pots. The colors are applied directly onto lightly textured paper using bold and fine strokes, then blended with sponges to produce a colorful and dramatic work of art.
Delys particularly enjoys creating large portraits of people and animals. In the class, students of all skill levels were guided step-by-step through the process in order to take home two lifelike pastels worthy of framing: a raven and a burro. Even those who had never touched a pastel stick accomplished this feat in only three hours!
The SaddleBrooke Fine Arts Guild offers a variety of classes throughout the year in the Topaz Room at the MountainView Clubhouse. SaddleBrooke residents and the general public can choose from half-day, full-day, or multiple-day classes in a wide range of styles and mediums. Guild members receive a discount on class fees.
In addition, the guild hosts fundraising events, like Art and Wine, where participants sip a beverage, create something beautiful, and make new friends along the way. Proceeds are donated to nonprofits in communities surrounding SaddleBrooke.
Look for the latest class schedule, monthly blog posts, and much more about the SaddleBrooke Fine Arts Guild at https://saddlebrookefinearts.org.