Parkinson’s PWR! Moves for Balance Club Save the Date!

The amygdala in your brain is the area that is searching for danger, often without conscious awareness on your part. Once there has been a challenge, accident, near accident, diagnosis, or scare, the amygdala will keep searching for similar situations to try to protect from subsequent repeats. You need to carefully assess the situation with supportive information to get a realistic cognitive view. The fear can create maladaptive restrictions of actions that can actually make you more vulnerable to injury. Especially with Parkinson’s, the reduction in dopamine production deceives the perception by the brain.

1. Recounting with an appropriate professional is a first step to reduce the factor, to extinguish some feelings.

2. Concrete means to extinguish fears and replace them with new experiences that are positive. Relearning a new way to feel with solid evidence, balancing the positive association to diminish the original cause, not to erase it. Having the attitude in spite of … I will make a good life for myself!

3. Social connections are an important part in our classes—learning new ways and sharing what works with each other. Many members of the class have been very creative in how difficulties were solved and the understanding between one another. Social isolation may exacerbate the fear factor. Breathing techniques are part of the relief factor.

4. We do a troubleshooting session to help one another.

Our class takes place on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 1:30 p.m. in the SaddleBrooke One Arts and Crafts Center, Room 3—two days a week, which really is not enough. Members would benefit greatly from participating in two more sessions a week. Exercise with the medication for Parkinson’s is the most effective way to delay the progression of the disease and helps with a better quality of life!

Go to to check if you have that coverage in your health policy, or you can call the number on the back of your insurance card. It is not provided by Medicare.

For AARP, United Healthcare, and other insurance plans, go to

For Blue Cross and other insurance plans, go to

Club Vice President Hans Von Michaelis can be reached at 303-549-4480.

Annual club dues are $10.

We are listed in SaddleBrooke One under exercise and support. We have quarterly support and educational meetings on the third Thursday of the month from 1:30 to 3 p.m. in SaddleBrooke Arts and Crafts Center, Room 3, next to the gift shop. Free assessments! All are welcome! Now a Health & Wellness Coach W54776.

Go to for Parkinson’s info and support.

BIG/PWR! Certified Trainer Vera Shury can be reached at 520-275-8755 or