May FSL Lecture to Feature ‘The Mariachi Miracle’

Calling All Owl Lovers

Boot Prints: Dave Corrigan

Cyclemasters Bike Maintenance and Chili Cook-Off

Save the date and register for the 2020 Recreation and Activities Fair

Candy Armstrong, Recreation and Activities Fair Committee Saturday, Jan. 25, 2020, is the date for the next SaddleBrooke TWO Recreation and Activities Fair. This is an excellent opportunity to let SaddleBrooke residents learn about your organization. How exciting it is to share information about your club or group with our community and potential new members!…

JFG news

Marilyn Anthony The Jewish Friendship Group’s (JFG) annual Chanukah dinner and AGM will take place on the first night of Chanukah, on Sunday, Dec. 22, at the Vistas dining room. This year, we will be featuring the entertainment of Klezmerkaba, Tucson’s leading Klezmer ensemble. Entertainment, good food, and lovely company—what more can one wish for? Mark…

Spanish Culture Club news

Gail Blizard Word for the day: Estudiar (to study) Our season kicked off in October with a splash—of wine, that is—as we welcomed new and returning members alike with wine, cheese, and cheer. About 30 happy people enjoyed sampling a variety of Spanish- and Latin American-themed wines brought by the attendees as they munched on…

SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network

Pick up first Friday of the month Karyle Steele The SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network works with Pima Animal Care Center, Pinal Animal Care Center, and several other rescue groups of homeless pets. We provide financial support for the medical needs and behavioral training of the pets to get them healthy and adopted. We have a…

Church acknowledged as a Hunger Action Congregation

Nan Nasser Mountain Shadows Presbyterian Church (MSPC) has recently been acknowledged as a Hunger Action Congregation by the Presbyterian Hunger Program. It has long been MSPC’s mission to help alleviate hunger in our immediate service area, and the ultimate goal is to become a certified congregation, which requires a number of steps, several of which we…