May FSL Lecture to Feature ‘The Mariachi Miracle’

Calling All Owl Lovers

Boot Prints: Dave Corrigan

Cyclemasters Bike Maintenance and Chili Cook-Off

SaddleBrooke Artist Jay Clary

The picture of Jay standing in front of his art suggests he has been doing this for many years.

Stuart Watkins One look at Jay’s art and I had to share his story with other SaddleBrooke residents, artists, and those who are just retired but have been there, done that, and might want to do it again. Jay and his wife, Diane, moved here five years ago from Colorado and still have a home…

Jewish Friendship Group News

Laurie Colen The Jewish Friendship Group (JFG) is zooming along. The JFG has been able to obtain a Zoom license, and so after a long hiatus, the JFG has started booking events and holding online events for our membership. We held our first Zoom ladies’ coffee in late February, and the women were thrilled to…

Discussing Hearing Aids with a Loved One

Tiggy Shields Perhaps one of the greatest challenges in the world of hearing loss is for a spouse or partner to convince the other that they need hearing aids. In some respects, this has similarities to confronting an aging parent who should stop driving. Emotions can run deep in the face of continual resistance. Concerns…

OSD: Capital Bond Project

Crystle Nehrmeyer, Superintendent As students in the Oracle Elementary School District returned to school on a hybrid schedule in early March, district staff were also engaged with design and construction partners to finalize the $13.2M bond project designs and construction planning. With the help of our project manager at H2 Group, architects at BWS Architects,…