Unit Happenings – January 2025

Preserve Ladies Who Lunch

Cyclemasters Tour de Tucson

SaddleBrooke Fine Arts Guild – January 2025

The “Old,” the “New” and the “Best”

2015 SBWGA Board

                    Kathy DeMerritt 2014 is coming to a fast close and there has been much ado with SaddleBrooke Women’s Golf Association-18. Our new leaders were inducted into office and our old (sorry!) Board of Directors were honored at the December 2 luncheon meeting. A huge thank…

Hidden Tucson trip planned

Arizona Pathfinders, a nonprofit volunteer group of the Arizona Historical Society, is conducting a one day Hidden Tucson I trip on February 19, 2015. We will tour the newly renovated Old Main on the campus of the University of Arizona where we will view the beautiful museum they have set up next to President Hart’s…

SaddleBrooke Sunrise Rotary Club is now official: new chartered club plans celebration

A group of early risers got together last spring to discuss the possibility of starting a second Rotary Club in SaddleBrooke that would meet for breakfast rather than lunch. What started as a discussion is now a reality. Rotary International just sanctioned the SaddleBrooke Sunrise Rotary Club, which currently has twenty four members committed to…

Spotlight on Advertiser – Art on Tees by Deb+Eve

The founders of Art on Tees by Deb+Eve

“How would you like to go into business putting my artwork on women’s designer tees?” Eve asked Deb on the phone one morning in February of 2014. Thinking of Eve’s art background and endless energy, Deb replied warily, “You mean buy a silk screen machine and do it ourselves?” She quickly learned Eve only meant…

Sun Sounds of Arizona

Kathy Desmarais Are you, or someone you know, print-disabled? Most of us think of the blind when we think of the print disabled. But it also applies to those who have difficulty seeing the printed word due to cataracts, glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration, low visual acuity, retinitis pigmentosa, complications from diabetes, multiple sclerosis, brain and…