Bill Trapp (Variety Show/sound); Ted Hariton (liaison with University of Arizona Schoolof Music); Bonnie Barzani and Donna Infald (Preserve Military Families); Glinda Affar(Coronado Schools); Dennis Blouser (Oracle Schools) and Barbara McClure (Impact ofSouthern Arizona).
Tim Koch
In keeping with its long standing tradition, the SaddleBrooke Variety Show recently donated $11,000 of its ticket proceeds to the DVPAC Theater and five local nonprofit organizations. On Wednesday, May 5 at a brief ceremony in the MountainView Bistro lobby, long time Variety Show producer Lloyd Maritz, along with recent Variety Show director Tim Koch and Assistant Director Shawne Cryderman, presented checks of $1,000 each to the Oracle Public Schools, the Coronado Middle School, the University of Arizona School of Music, Impact of Southern Arizona (formerly Catalina Community Services) and Preserve Military Families of Tucson.
Earlier in the week The Variety Show donated $6,000.00 to HOA 2 as partial payment toward the purchase of advanced lighting and sound equipment for the DVPAC Theater. This donation enables HOA 2 to now move forward with the purchase and installation of that equipment which will enhance the theater experience for SaddleBrooke audiences.