SPA Celebrated Halloween with a Party, Music, and Dancing

Swimmers Celebrate Personal Bests and Team Spirit at Ron Johnson Memorial State Meet

Fit Fest Is Back!

Paper Crafters Support Senior Village

It’s an Ace!

Donna Barnard scored an ace on MountainView No. 13 on November 30. She used her 7 iron, and recorded the second hole in one of her career. The witnesses were Betty Cole, Rick Cole and Colin Barnard. Congratulations, Donna!

Computer Club updates

Dennis Korger Carlton Wiens and Judy Spencer will present a preview of OS X Yosemite and iOS 8, the recently released operating systems for Apple products. After retiring from a career in education, Judy staffed the Apple Store Genius Bar in Phoenix for several years. Carlton has been our lead Mac instructor for longer than…

A conversation with two American Heroes – 02/04/15

Brig. General James McDivitt, USAF Retired

Former astronaut James A. McDivitt and Four Star General Earl T. O’Loughlin are special guests at the SaddleBrooke Troop Support (STS) luncheon on Wednesday, February 4, 2015, at SaddleBrooke One Clubhouse. Don’t miss this opportunity to listen in to the conversation between these two American heroes as they discuss their phenomenal Air Force and NASA…

Sierra Tucson says thank you to Lady

Lady is a certified therapy dog.

After about a decade of weekly visits, the Sierra Tucson Behavioral Health Center held a recognition ceremony for Lady, a 12 year old Shetland Sheep Dog, as she retired from her service as a certified therapy animal. Located adjacent to SaddleBrooke, Sierra Tucson (ST) has for over 30 years provided care for the treatment of…

British Club hosts morning coffee – membership is open

The women of the British Club enjoy a holiday coffee gathering.

Twink Gates-Zimdar On Thursday, December 4, eighteen members of the British Club enjoyed a ladies holiday coffee morning at the home of Twink Gates-Zimdar. Freshly baked mince pies, mini quiche, coconut macaroons, Belgian chocolate cookies, banana nut muffins, gluten free cookies, chocolate bark and fresh strawberries were served with coffee and tea. Finalizing the holiday…