SPA Celebrated Halloween with a Party, Music, and Dancing

Swimmers Celebrate Personal Bests and Team Spirit at Ron Johnson Memorial State Meet

Fit Fest Is Back!

Paper Crafters Support Senior Village

New technology hits Tri-City Modelers

Tri-City Modelers pulling maintenance under the Ramada

Most radio control (R/C) modelers took up the model airplane hobby as youngsters totally taken in by the romance of flight. We started with U-Control models and learned to maneuver while spinning around in circles. Most of us who stuck with the hobby transitioned to radio control and learned the joy of building, flying, crashing…

Part 2: Argentine Tango and Ballroom Tango

Lidia and Hector Legrand Last month we covered different styles of Tango dancing. Argentine Tango dancing is often confused with Ballroom Tango and other non-Tango styles. Classic Argentine Tango dancing is a social dance and a musical genre that originated in Argentina and Uruguay and is now popular all over the world. Other Tango styles…

Busy May for Rotary

SaddleBrooke Rotary Foundation Board members recognized, left to right: Ed Triek, Bob Allen, Emerson Knowles, Doug May and Steve McNeil

May was a very busy month for us. One of our major donation projects is to the Shelter Box Emergency Relief Fund. SaddleBrooke Rotary is donating funds to help in Nepal after their devastating earth quake. Providing a shelter for a family after this crisis is key to helping them. These shelter boxes contain a…

Softball announces winter champs

2015 Winter Season Monday Recreation League Champion – A Closer Look Real Estate Inspection. Back row: Carol Chiarello, Ken Schuttler, Denise Norgard, Harold Norton and Lee Davis; front row: Paul Jarzembinski, Steve Schneck, Tim Benjamin, Janet Jarzembinski and Jack Graef; photo by Pat Tiefenbach

Carol Chiarello The SaddleBrooke Senior Softball Association ran the 15 week Winter Season from January through April 24. The statistics have been compiled and the final records for the seven leagues are in the books. Let’s recap: Monday Recreation League: We had a tie of seven wins, seven losses, one tie apiece. Congrats to Dale…