SPA Celebrated Halloween with a Party, Music, and Dancing

Swimmers Celebrate Personal Bests and Team Spirit at Ron Johnson Memorial State Meet

Fit Fest Is Back!

Paper Crafters Support Senior Village

Come hear the Ladies of CCSB

Terry Barringer Are you looking for a little inspiration to begin the summer season? The Women’s Ministry of the Community Church at SaddleBrooke invites you to join us for a time of sharing. During this four-week program women will be telling their story. Their experiences will offer a glimpse into who they are or where…

Spring Picnic 2017

Randy Park honors volunteer Carole Rossof; her name is now engraved on the honor roll plaque outside the HOA 1 Golf Pro Shop; photo by Elisabeth Wheeler.

Randy Park The annual spring picnic and official club business meeting was held on Friday, March 3 at Catalina State Park. Close to 100 members attended. Current membership is over 640. Earlier in the day two hikes in the park were led by Elisabeth Wheeler and Karen Gray. Prior to the election of new officers,…

2017 MPWGA Cancer Tournament

Gail Campbell, 2017 MPWGA President’s Cup Champion; Debbie Mielke, 2016 Champion

Janey Clausen The MPWGA Take a Swing at Cancer Tournament was held on March 7, 2017 at The MountainView Golf Course. With so many wonderful members working on the tournament, we were able to raise $12,000 for the University of Arizona Cancer Center. Presenting the $12,000 check to Katie James at the University of Arizona…

Sunrise Rotary guest speaker

Tabitha Yim is head coach of the University of Arizona Women’s Gymnastics Team.

Savo Fries and Dick Kroese Tabitha Yim recently visited the SaddleBrooke Sunrise Rotary Club. A former elite gymnast and assistant coach for the Stanford Women’s Gymnastics Team, she was hired in 2015 as the head coach of the University of Arizona Women’s Gymnastics Team by then Athletic Director Greg Byrne. Coach Yim is a talented…