Randy Park honors volunteer Carole Rossof; her name is now engraved on the honor roll plaque outside the HOA 1 Golf Pro Shop; photo by Elisabeth Wheeler.
Randy Park
The annual spring picnic and official club business meeting was held on Friday, March 3 at Catalina State Park. Close to 100 members attended. Current membership is over 640. Earlier in the day two hikes in the park were led by Elisabeth Wheeler and Karen Gray. Prior to the election of new officers, President Randy Park reviewed the list of accomplishments the club achieved over the last 12 months. These included a successful spring trip to Las Vegas, an on-line survey to guide the leader in future trips, a guided hike trip to Supai Village in the Grand Canyon, the start of the Honor Roll plaque and a one-year dues extension for existing members. Prior to the election of new officers, Randy Park honored long-time volunteer Carole Rossof for her serving as newsletter editor for nine years. Her name is now engraved on the honor roll plaque hanging on the wall outside the HOA 1 Golf Pro Shop. The new officers elected are Don Taylor, treasurer; Norm Rechkemmer, vice president and Phil McNamee, associate chief hiking guide. At the same time Dave Corrigan moves from vice president to president and Rob Simms moves from ACHG to Chief Hiking Guide. At the conclusion of the business meeting, a potluck picnic was had by all, followed by a prize drawing where ten $25 gift certificates to Summit Hut were given away.