SPA Celebrated Halloween with a Party, Music, and Dancing

Swimmers Celebrate Personal Bests and Team Spirit at Ron Johnson Memorial State Meet

Fit Fest Is Back!

Paper Crafters Support Senior Village

Spotlight on Advertiser: Bon Voyage Travel – South Africa

Where adventure meets sophistication. Is it possible there’s a place where you can feel spoiled in the unspoiled? In South Africa you will truly feel alive. You will find that your senses are more acute. Colors are richer. Sounds are more varied. Your days and nights are filled with incomparable experiences. In South Africa Susan…

Cully and DeHart

Allen DeHart, Dave Thomas, President of SaddleBrooke Links Players Fellowship and Alan Culley, winner of the 2017 Links Cup

No, they’re not practicing attorneys and please don’t call them about a medical malpractice suit. What they are are two winners in the annual competition for the Links Cup. This is the fourth year the cup has been contested and there has been a different winner every year. Alan Culley won the cup this year…

From Iowa Tribe Reservation to college president

Debbie Foster Central Arizona College President Jackie Elliott spoke to the SaddleBrooke Sunrise Rotary on March 30. Dr. Elliott shared a bit of her life story and her goals for Central Arizona College. Dr. Elliott was selected as the ninth President of Central Arizona College where she assumed the role in July of 2016. Prior…

Women on Our Own (WOOO)

Liz Boyd WOOO is for single women living in SaddleBrooke and the Ranch who want to stay busy and enjoy life. Our activities include: Dining Out: We go out for dinner on the third Wednesday of each month and enjoy Tucson’s restaurants. In March it was the Wild Garlic Grill and in April it was Mr.…

Senior Olympics State Swim Meet

Karin Bivens On February 25 eleven SaddleBrooke Swim Club members (Samantha Martoni, Don Merritt, Ken McKinney, Nancy Pepek, Harold Peter, Robert Sears, Craig Shaffer, Gloria Tolaro, Ke Wang, Al Worth and Karin Bivens) competed in the Senior Olympics State Meet held at the Mesquite Groves Aquatic Center in Chandler, Arizona. The meet was well-organized. Staff…