SPA Celebrated Halloween with a Party, Music, and Dancing

Swimmers Celebrate Personal Bests and Team Spirit at Ron Johnson Memorial State Meet

Fit Fest Is Back!

Paper Crafters Support Senior Village

Nature Club field trip to OdySea Aquarium

Pam Boedeker Twenty-four members of the SaddleBrooke Nature Club traveled to Scottsdale to visit the OdySea Aquarium and Butterfly Wonderland. What better place to be on a hot summer day in the desert than the cool water surroundings of an aquarium? The 200,000 square foot facility is an architectural wonder! It was built in a…

Putter/Niner get together

Left to right: Joyce Sutay, Phyllis Cadden, Roberta Wisniewki, Nancy Claffey

Eileen J. Snearly The MountainView Preserve Lady Niners (MPLN) accepted an invitation to join the MountainView Lady Putters (MVLP)) on Monday, July 10, 2017, dubbed the Red, White and Blue Putting Event, and was hosted by MVLPs. All ladies were dressed in red, white and blue to extend the Fourth of July holiday. All participants…

GLAAS trivia night

GLAAS (Gays Lesbians and Allies at SaddleBrooke) held a mid-summer Trivia and Potluck event at the HOA 1 Activity Center on July 9. The questions, focused on our past history, were challenging to say the least but from all reports the food was “to die for” which made the challenge worth the while! The group…

Ken Shelton, Master Kentucky Rifle Artisan


Gladys K. Lujan SaddleBrooke, as we all know, is home to a very large group of talented individuals – musicians, artists, ceramicists, jewelers, writers, et alia. But there is one exceptional talent of which I was never aware until my husband Jerry and I became friendly with Ken Shelton – that of a master designer…

Pickleballers on the courts despite wind, rain and heat

Andrea Molberg Like the Post Office, neither wind, nor rain, nor heat, nor humidity can keep pickleballers off the courts. While a few of the SaddleBrooke Ranch pickleball courts suffered some damage from a July cloudburst, the courts were soon opened and players gratefully back on them, especially because the SaddleBrooke Ridgeview courts were closed…

Coming soon – Fall Line Dance lessons with Rebecca

Summer fun for Level 3, the highest level in Rebecca’s Line Dance classes. Here are (right to left) Kay Lantow, Barb Nicholson, Pat Wellington, Janice Motley, Pat Benter, Denise Anthony, Melanie Murphy, Karen Brungardt, Cindy Ervin, Gerry Harding, Carol Chiarello and Instructor Rebecca Magdanz. Behind the lens is Mark Magdanz; Judy Hargadon and Raye Cobb traveling

Dr. Mark Magdanz Classes started June 26 with a fun loving bunch of SaddleBrookers and Ranchers having a ball on various dance floors. The 2017 summer class series runs through September 7. Rebecca’s line dance classes and happy feet party sessions serve all skill levels from novice through high intermediate. Year round classes are always…