Jasper (a dog rescued by Kaye and Rick
Baumgartner and featured in the paper)
learning to go to his bed and stay.
Kathleen Dunbar
Jeremy Brown, owner of The Complete Canine, will be conducting the next series of group classes in the SaddleBrooke Dog Park starting Feb. 24th. You do not have to be a member of the SaddleBrooke Dog Park to participate, but you do have to provide proof of current rabies vaccination.
9 a.m. Beginning Obedience
This class is for a puppy to adult that needs to learn socialization and basic sit, stay, and come commands.
10 a.m. Intermediate
The intermediate class focuses on strengthening basic commands, walking by handler’s side, challenging impulse control, and challenging distance, distractions, and increased duration. This class is an introduction to commands for the Good Citizen test.
11 a.m. Advanced
This class provides a continuing challenge for your dog to practice and perfect commands. The advanced class includes beginning preparation for the Canine Good Citizen Test and Introduction to Therapy Dog Evaluations.
“Group classes are excellent for socializing your dog and teaching you the skills necessary for living harmoniously with your dog(s,)” said Kathleen Dunbar, former President of The SaddleBrooke Dog Park. “The stated vision for the SaddleBrooke Dog Park is to be a valued community asset that positively promotes responsible dog ownership. We believe that offering obedience classes in a safe and convenient location for SaddleBrooke residents is a valuable community asset.”
To sign-up for a class, email Kathleen Dunbar at k.dunbar@Reagan.com.
Cost for five weeks is $160. Registration and payment is required prior to the start of classes.
“By doing this, we are ready to start working immediately and not doing paperwork taking up valuable class time,” said Dunbar.
Kathleen will collect payment and all checks should be made out to The Complete Canine. Jeremy is a sponsor of the SaddleBrooke Dog Park.
For more information about Jeremy you may go to The Complete Canine website at www.completecaninetucson.com.
For private lessons, text Jeremy 520-403-1401. If you don’t text, call and leave a voice message.
Give yourself the gift of a well-mannered and polite dog. Do training!