MVLPutters Annual Registration

2022 President Roberta Wisniewski (left) receives a parting gift from the MVLP membership.

EJ Snearly

The annual registration for the MVLadyPutters (MVLP) was held Jan. 13 in the MountainView ballroom. This meeting is held for new and returning members of the MVLP.

During this time, the new members are welcomed and orientated by the 2023 president Patty Stark. The new and returning members are encouraged to sign up to help organize several events throughout the coming year. The members are asked to volunteer for one of the many weekly duties to help the Monday putting run smoothly.

The day ended with a short business meeting and introduction of the new 2023 MVLP Board of Directors.

The putting dues will remain at $72 for the coming year. Putting is on Mondays at 8:30 a.m. from April 1 through Sept. 30, then the time changes to 9:30 a.m. from Oct. 1 through March 31.

Their website will give more information for those interested.