Let’s Dance through the summer

The energetic members of the Let’s Dance Club have completed a month of East Coast Swing lessons. Taught by Claudia Booth and assisted by Barry Moore the class ended the May session with a reincarnation of a high school dance. Poodle skirts, bobby socks and tight tee shirts abounded.

Moving from East Coast Swing to Merengue is a natural for the spirited dancers of the Let’s Dance Club. Dave Poferl and Mary Borkovec are teaching Merengue during the month of June. With the lively patterns of the East Coast Swing, the Merengue patterns such as the rainbow, halo turn and bow and arrow will add to the dancers’ expanding repertoires.

Get those dance shoes ready for there is a lot more to come!

During July Ann and Tom Kurtz will be teaching the American Rumba. There will be two sessions of these classes. Beginners will meet from 10:00 to 10:45 a.m. and Beyond the Basics will meet 11:00 a.m. to noon. Preregistration for this class is required. Email tomandanndance@gmail.com to register for either session.

There will be no classes in August. The dance floor will be available for club members to practice whatever dance they wish. In September Dave Poferl and Mary Borkovec present West Coast Swing. There will be a Beginners class and a Beyond Basics class. Preregistration is required. Email dpoferl@aol.com to register for either session.

Coming in the fall are classes in American Fox Trot (Dave Proferl w/Claudia Booth and Ann and Tom Kurtz), American Tango (Silke Gsching) and Bachata (Rita and Steve Holdener). Classes in early 2016 include Cha Cha (Linda and Barry Moore) and Latin Hustle (Steve Hess).

Most classes are held Wednesdays, 10:00 a.m. to noon in the SaddleBrooke Clubhouse Vermilion Room and are free to members of the Let’s Dance Club. Membership is $10 per person per year and includes membership in both the Let’s Dance Club and SaddleBrooke Ballroom Dance Club. An open practice session is held on Saturdays 10:00 a.m. to noon.

Updated information is available on our Facebook page – Let’s Dance Club of SaddleBrooke. Additional information is available at 520-825-5401.