Jewish Friendship Group news

Marilyn Anthony

Our annual Father’s Day BBQ takes place on Wednesday, June 17 at 5:30 p.m. at the Roadrunner Grill. This is always a fun event with great food and good company in celebration of all the fathers amongst us.

Happy Hour returns on August 12 at 5:00 p.m. in the back bar at HOA 1. We hope to be serving vegetarian pizzas and appetizers. There will be no charge for this event (drinks not included).

The June Ladies’ Coffee co-hosted by Bette Conn and Laurie Colen was its usual delightful self. The fact that the snowbirds have flown the coop allowed for a more intimate happening. There will be no coffee during the month of July; however, the Hospitality Committee would welcome volunteers to co-host for an August Ladies’ Coffee. Please contact Harriet Rosenberg at 529-6533 or to coordinate the date and details.

The Co-Ed Book Club will be voting over the summer for next season’s reading list. Please forward any suggestions with book resumés to Sandy Epstein: Although 23 books have been nominated, only one person has submitted a resumé. Please submit summaries to Sandy for any book title proposed.

It is never too late to pay your JFG membership dues and rejoin. Checks in the amount of $15 per person should be sent to Laurie Colen at 63845 E. Orangewood Lane.

We count on your support and encourage you to join our regular activities which are solely intended to encourage and enable the extension of Jewish friendships throughout SaddleBrooke. Please feel free to make your suggestions known to Steve or Sy in the hopes that we can work together to enhance the nature and meaning of Jewish friendship in the future.

For further information about the JFG, please contact Co-Presidents Steve Grabell, 520-825-4159 or Sy Efron,,  520-825-7047.