Marsha MantyKow
We started the year with two successful events.
Trivia/Pizza Night was once again a fun-filled night. Forty hungry and super-smart members gathered at the RoadRunner Café. Marilyn Anthony challenged us to remember obscure facts about obscure events featuring very important people most of us never heard of. While many members rose to the occasion, personally, I never had so much fun being wrong! But the pizza was outstanding, the cookies were delicious, and the salad made the meal calorie-free.
The January Men’s Dinner took place on Jan. 23. It continues to be a favorite time for the guys to get together.
Onwards to the coming months.
The Men’s Dinner will be on Feb. 13 at 5:30 p.m. at Vistas Restaurant. Please note: These dinners will now be held on the second Thursday of the month. We hope more of our male members will join in on these evenings of conversation, food, and friendship. If you haven’t attended one of these evenings, you’re missing out on very interesting conversations. RSVP to Steve Rosen at steverosen58458@gmail.
There was a rescheduling of the February Ladies Coffee. (We’re women, so we get to change our minds.) The new date was Feb. 10 at 10:30 a.m. at the home of Sandy Basker. These coffees are only possible when someone volunteers to host. It’s wonderful that members are volunteering. They are really lovely events.
The March Ladies Coffee will be hosted by Patti Reingold and Barbara Lawton at Patti’s home. Watch for your JFG Bulletin for the date.
The Men’s Dinner will be on March 13 at 5:30 p.m. at the Vistas. RSVP to Steve Rosen at by March 10. Don’t miss out on what I’ve been told is a time when guys get to talk about all those things that make women’s eyes glaze over.
March 15 is our annual Purim party, with time and place to be determined. What is certain is that it will be a time of laughter and friendship.
March 25 is the Potluck at the HOA Activity Center. Save the date and look for information about “where in the world we will be eating.”
The Second Night Passover Seder is on Sunday, April 13. Save the date. Details will follow. We look forward to once again spending this holiday together.
We hope you join us for these events. Being part of an organization that brings people together, helps the community, builds friendships, and has fun-filled events is something that enriches our lives. If you’re not a member, we hope you consider joining. Our goal is to continue growing our community. We are a social club, not affiliated with any religious organization. For additional information or questions about these events or the JFG, please reach out to our president Sandy Rosen at