Jewish Friendship Group

The new season of the Jewish Friendship Group is upon us. Members are returning from summer sojourns, even though the weather in Tucson continues the summer heat.

On Sept. 11, 40 hardy folks joined together at the home of Sandy and Steven Rosen for an ice cream social. We walked around the lightning and thunder of a typical Tucson monsoon evening to enjoy ice cream, toppings, and good company. Even though there were a number of flavors to select, the flavor of the month was the one that was the hardest to scoop—go figure! It was obvious that members loved dipping into fattening flavors for one evening, so this won’t be the last time this event will be held.

Holly Ravitz and Janice Shinn hosted the Ladies’ Coffee at the Ravitz home. Twenty ladies enjoyed the beautiful weather, the mountain view, and each other’s company. Thank you, Holly and Janice, for such delicious treats and coffee and a very good time.

The Jewish New Year is upon us. Unlike the secular new year, although this is a time for celebration, the days between Rosh Hashanah (the New Year) on Sept. 26 and Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) on Oct. 5 are dedicated to reflection and rededication for a better year to come. The Jewish Friendship Group and the Institute for Jewish Studies and Services will join together to celebrate both the New Year and the Day of Atonement with a break-fast at the end of Yom Kippur day.

More exciting events following Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kipper are planned as our “winter visitors” return to SaddleBrooke. Look for information in the bulletin regarding the Potluck on Oct. 25, as well as the Book Club, which will meet again in October.

The Jewish Friendship Group extends a wish to all of our friends in SaddleBrooke in the traditional new year greeting: “May you be inscribed for blessing in the Book of Life.”

The Jewish Friendship Group welcomes anyone interested in identifying with the Jewish community here is SaddleBrooke. If you have any questions about the group, feel free to contact Marilyn Anthony at or Sue Berman at 520-818-1954.