JFG Board and generosity of our members
Marsha Mantykow
On Dec. 17, 101 members and non-members came together to celebrate Chanukah and give generously to hospitalized children.
The Vistas dining room was a festive scene, complete with the glow of Chanukah candles. The food was delicious, including traditional potato latkes. It was an evening to remember and a further indication of why this club is such an important part of the community. While this was a joint effort of the Jewish Friendship Group (JFG) Board, special thanks to Sharon Hoff for her tireless work organizing this lovely evening and to Carol Gordon for the invaluable email reminders and for schlepping all those decorations. The Klezmerkaba Band’s lively music added just the right note to a special evening. The dance floor was never empty.
The Dec. 19 Men’s Dinner at the SaddleBrooke One Vistas Restaurant is in the books. Rumor has it that the conversations were lively and interesting.
The January Ladies Coffee was hosted by Sandy Rosen and Marsha Mantykow. Sandy opened her home for this enjoyable morning of coffee, bagels, and friendship.
The January Trivia and Pizza Buffet will be on Jan. 16 in the SaddleBrooke One RoadRunner Grill at 4:30 p.m. Marilyn Anthony has once again agreed to be our trivia leader. Bring your appetite and thinking cap. Imagine, having to remember obscure acts without Google! Join us for fun, pizza, salad, and dessert. RSVP to Sharon Hoff at sharonhoff921@gmail.com.
The February Men’s Dinner will be on Feb. 20 at 5:30 p.m. in the Vistas Restaurant. Since there wasn’t a December dinner, I’m sure everyone is looking forward to this opportunity to get together. RSVP to Steve Rosen at steverosen58458@gmail.com by Monday, Feb. 17.
The date for the February Ladies Coffee is yet to be determined. These Coffees are only possible when someone volunteers to host. When Linda Kaprosy, our Coffee coordinator, asks for volunteers, please be the one who says, “Me.” We can’t do this without our members’ participating in hosting or sharing hosting duties with someone.
The New Members Meet and Greet is on Feb. 9 from 2 to 4 p.m. Marcia and Barry Gilbert have graciously offered their home for this year’s annual event. We urge anyone interested in joining and wants a close-up view of the JFG to attend. Current members will be available to answer questions. Yes, of course, there will be food and drinks.
March Purim Party (TBD). What’s certain is an evening of silly fun! I, for one, can’t wait to see this year’s queen and king.
The Second Night Passover Seder is on Sunday, April 13. Save the date—details to follow. We look forward to once again spending this holiday together.
It’s been noted by people of note that being part of a community is beneficial to our overall well-being. The fun and friendships are the added benefits. If you’re not a member, we hope you consider joining. Our goal is to continue growing our community. We are a social club, not affiliated with any religious organization. For additional information or questions about these events or the JFG, please reach out to either of our co-presidents: Sandy Rosen at sandyrosen458458@gmail.com or Eileen Zelmanow at zelmoes@gmail.com.