Hearing Assistive Technology, Current and Future

Leigh Beaty

Join us on Monday, March 20, at 1 p.m. in the DesertView Theater for a presentation sponsored by the SaddleBrooke Computer & Technology Club. Our speaker will be Amanda Kester, Doctor of Audiology at Sonoran Ear, Nose, Throat, and Audiology. All SaddleBrooke residents are welcome to attend.

Hearing loss is common in SaddleBrooke due to past life experiences and age. The current technology has come a long way since the days of making sound louder. Hearing aids now work in conjunction with smartphones, TVs, and computers. There are other assistive listening devices that are becoming more common. This presentation will discuss the reasons why hearing loss should not be ignored, what the current technology includes, and some tips on making those aids work better.

You may have seen ads talking about hearing aids now being sold “over the counter,” without the need for a professional to prescribe them, after audiology tests. The speaker will also discuss the pros and cons of the new hearing aid availability.

What’s coming in the future? Gains in technology are being made rapidly. It seems like every five years, hearing assistive devices become much, much better. Let’s look at what is coming.