Janis Bottai, owner of Vital Moves
Phyllis Ketring
Have you ever considered the difference between exercise and conditioning? On April 25 at 7 p.m. in the ballroom, Health Night Out features Janis Bottai, owner of Vital Moves, to discuss the importance of conditioning the body and how that differs from exercise alone. Janis is a functional aging specialist and trainer who has studied the effect of aging on the body, its movement, and balance.
Conditioning is essential to posture, steadiness, and functional strength. Janis will demonstrate simple but impactful exercises and postures, and folks can practice along with her. Participation is voluntary. If you’d like to join the fun, dress comfortably and try a few moves.
Janis will challenge us to become our own best selves with a little extra effort. Her presentation will outline the factors that contribute to falls, and she will present exercises, drills, and strategies that can help individuals be strong, walk steadily, live well, and remain independent.
Health Night Out is a free educational presentation that is brought to you by SaddleBrooke Health and Wellness. It offers a unique opportunity every month to learn from highly skilled local health providers about a wide variety of health issues.
The MountainView Bar & Grill will be open for dinner, so enjoy a meal (healthy, of course) and join the group in the ballroom.