Tammy Bearden
The SaddleBrooke Fine Arts Guild, in partnership with the University of Arizona Museum of Art, will present a series of two lectures beginning Wednesday, September 6, 2017, from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. in the west ballroom of the MountainView Clubhouse. The first presenter will be Docent Judith Schram who will discuss Music in Art: Ridicule, Humor and Puzzles. Painters, sculptors and print-makers have depicted music in their works in many ways, often to depict an interest of the person portrayed by the artist. By contrast, this presentation focuses instead on works in which artists ridicule society, present something humorous or leave us viewers puzzled as to the role music plays in their works. In this interactive presentation, audience and docent together explore the role music plays in UAMA works that extend from the 16th to the 21st Century. Judith Schram combines her interest in visual art and music. She has sung in choirs for many years, starting with a children’s choir that sang with the Philadelphia Orchestra and continuing with a sojourn in Germany with a teenage exchange program choir. She continues her enjoyment of singing in a local church choir. Professionally, she was a Licensed Counselor and Intercultural Trainer specializing in issues of individuals and families working abroad in multicultural contexts. She says that the combination of music and visual art nurtures her soul.
Looking ahead, the second lecture in the series will be presented by Docents Fleurette and Marc Wallach on Wednesday, October 4, 2017, from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Their subject will be Celebrating Women Artists.
Please mark your calendar and plan to come early for coffee. As always, the lectures are free and are in Ballroom West of the MountainView Clubhouse. We look forward to seeing you.