SaddleBrooke Freethinkers President Barbara Starrett and Vice President Susan Williams are giving checks from the Freethinkers Club and private donors totaling $1,950 to Ann Manning, SaddleBrooke volunteer at the Tri Community Food Bank, in front of the food truck at the Mini Mart.
Barbara Starrett
The Tri-Community Food Bank has a meals on wheels service. The agency provides food orders to qualified low-income or disabled seniors who reside in the service area of Oracle, San Manuel, Mammoth, and Aravaipa. Qualified applicants are determined by the Food Bank. Any aid offered is done in partnership with the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
The main address of the Food Bank is 108 Redwood Drive, Mammoth, AZ 85618. The center also serves as a partner agency for other charities and churches in Pinal County. This service provides groceries for disadvantaged clients or newcomers to the area, such as refugees or immigrants. Recently, there has been an increase in the population served.
For more information about the Food Bank, call the main intake line at 520-487-2010.