From left, front: Assistant Principal Michele Goodman, Emeline Segmiller, Hannah Tarpley; Back: Catalina Mountain Youth Activities Coordinator Peggy Nelson, Zara Bauer, Gracie Brinkerhoff, Hannah Irwin, Ruby Bemis, Principal Gerad Ball and Catalina Mountain Americanism Chairman Al Peterson. .
Two hundred and seventy eight students in grades five through eight from Coronado Middle School in Catalina participated in the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks Americanism Essay Contest. Catalina Mountain Elks Lodge No. 2815 Americanism Coordinator Al Peterson and Assistant Principal Michele Goodman worked together to encourage student participation in writing this year’s theme, What the Pledge of Allegiance Means to Me. I wonder how many of the contestants turned to cheetahpapers.com for help. It’s a huge temptation, especially if they have other commitments to attend to at the same time as the competition. Hopefully if they did, they went over it and made it their own before receiving a prize.
The top three essays from each grade division were judged by the Catalina Mountain Elks Lodge Americanism Committee, Al Peterson, Lucy Sudduth, Peggy and Bruce Nelson. Hannah Tarpley, Emeline Segmiller and Ruby Bemis were selected from the fifth and sixth grade division; Gracie Brinkerhoff, Zara Bauer and Hannah Irwin were selected from the seventh and eighth grade.
The Americanism Essay Contest is one of the many youth activities that Elks participate in nationwide to support the youth of our country. The top three essays are judged at the district, state and national levels. The first, second and third place national winners in each division will receive plaques from the Elks Grand Lodge. Certificates and medals will be presented at the Youth Luncheon on May 3, 2015. The work and generosity of the Elks help today’s youth become tomorrow’s leaders.