The CCP production team has searched high and low, near and far, and looked to each other for ideas on how we can safely present live theatre in SaddleBrooke. Postponement of the fall production will help our actors, beloved audience members, plus SaddleBrooke TWO banquet staff remain healthy and stay safe. (Photo by Steve Weiss)
Theatre News from Community Circle Players in SaddleBrooke
Shawne Cryderman
As Shakespeare’s Falstaff observed, discretion is the better part of valor—and so he lived to fight another day.
That is not an exact quote but it sums up Community Circle Players’ decision to abandon, for now, its plans to present a show this November. Not cancel, but just postpone. Live theatre should be enjoyed by the audience and actors alike. Holding auditions armed with a thermometer, wearing a mask to rehearsals, asking the audience to wear masks and stay six feet from other audience members while wondering if we are all risking someone’s health—that is just not fun.
Everyone involved with producing An Evening Of One Acts wanted the show to go on. Scripts were ordered and have arrived, permissions received from the authors, and royalties paid to the publishers. Residents were counting the days until auditions, the production team had begun procuring props/set pieces and the banquet/events staff at SaddleBrooke TWO was at the ready. Alas, poor Yorick (Shakespeare’s Hamlet), it was not to be—for fall, anyway.
When this Long Day’s Journey Into Night is behind us, the show will definitely go on. We want that day to come as much as anyone and are anxious to bring live theatre to the MVCC stage. In the meantime, watch these pages for further news about the CCP’s winter auditions for our spring production. Those with questions may contact Shawne Cryderman (sfcrydo@yahoo.com), Tim Morsani (morsanitim@wbhsi.net), or Susan Sterling (swsaz79@gmail.com).