The Community Church at SaddleBrooke hosts 10th annual Advent Tea Celebration

Nancy Klawitter

Advent is a time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the birth of the Christ Child. This year will be the tenth annual Advent Celebration by The Community Church at SaddleBrooke.

Please join us on Wednesday, December 3, 2014, at the HOA 1 Vistas Dining Room. Doors will open at 11:30 a.m. so you may enjoy all the beautiful, uniquely decorated tables and Christmas decorations. We will begin our Advent Celebration promptly at noon. The cost is only $15 per person. Please let us know if you are on a gluten free diet. Seating is limited.

In order to make it extra special and meaningful, we will celebrate Advent with a musical interlude with a flutist and harpist, Victorian Christmas Carolers, a delightful lunch, scrumptious dessert and tea. The Tea will highlight our Advent Celebration. Our guest speaker this year is SaddleBrooke’s own Darbie Baker. Her topic will be No Room in the Inn.

We will enjoy Mary Did You Know sung by Victorian Carolers and join in Christmas songs led by our Carolers, Ron and Leah, Kari and Brent and Nancy Carlson. We will close the service by lighting our Advent Candles to the music of Silent Night played by Earline Lewis on guitar and Joanne Thomas at piano and then join in song with our Victorian Carolers.

This is a wonderful opportunity to take time out of our busy holiday schedules to relax and enjoy The Reason for the Season with friends. This will be a memorable program of special music, reflection and inspiration as we begin preparations for celebrating the birth of Christ. The Advent Celebration is open to women of all faiths.

To be a part of this special annual event, plan to sign up and pay by check on November 16 or 23 in the church lobby. Your check, made out to Community Church SaddleBrooke, will be your registration receipt. Please do not send cash. Be sure that your phone number is on the check. Checks may also be submitted by mail starting November 1. Send to: Community Church, Attention: Advent, 36768 S. Aaron Lane, Tucson, Arizona 85739. Checks must be received by November 24.

Ask your friends to join you at a table and submit everyone’s names and their checks attached to yours. Tables are limited to seating for eight. We are asking ladies who might be interested in being a hostess for a table to call or email Nancy Klawitter at 825-7089, email or Mardie Toney at 825-4700, for more information.

The church welcomes people from all denominations and we cordially invite members and nonmembers of the church to attend the Advent Tea. The Community Church meets every Sunday at the DesertView Performing Arts Center from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. Please join us for an uplifting service focusing on God’s Word.