Changing Lives One Horse at a Time

Left to right: Lanny Leach (key clinician), Brandon Paul (graduate of the program), Kathy Leach (wife of Lanny Leach), Julia Young (member of the Rotary Club of SaddleBrooke), and Seneca Nunn (public relations for the program)

Barbara Barr and Julia Young

There’s something very special going on in Florence, Ariz. Wild mustangs are finding forever homes, and inmates are finding a purpose. Under the leadership of Lanny Leach and the Mustangs of America Inmate Program, lives are being changed one horse at a time.

Mustangs of America Inmate Program began in Nevada in 2008. The program has now expanded to Florence, Ariz. and Sacramento, Calif. As wild mustangs become available for adoption, they are brought to the inmate program. Inmates compete to be selected for the program with the wild mustangs. Once selected, the inmates are trained by Lanny Leach in skill set, mindset, and next steps to a career required to train horses and manage a small business. Statistics indicate that this program gets outstanding results with the inmates.

Each week, Rotarians experience amazing programs such as these. Our weekly luncheons incorporate incredible learning experiences while we gather as friends. We not only learn more about our community and local area, but about state, national, and international topics.

To tell you a little bit more about Rotary, it is the world’s first service organization. Today, Rotary has grown to be the world’s largest volunteer organization. Rotarians can be found in more countries than the Red Cross or even McDonald’s.

The Rotary Club of SaddleBrooke is not only an award-winning organization devoted to making a difference locally and globally, it is also a club that enjoys coming together for lunch and lifelong learning. We currently meet weekly at the Ranch House at SaddleBrooke Ranch and on Zoom for weekly programs. Plus, we enjoy getting together for social events and service projects. We have fun making a difference.

The Rotary Club of SaddleBrooke is open to anyone who is living or working in SaddleBrooke, SaddleBrooke Ranch, Oracle, Catalina, Oro Valley, and all surrounding communities. For more information, contact Wendy Guyton at 520-404-5712 or