Category: October 2021

October at the Golden Goose

Time to fall in love with the Goose again! Join us in October for spooktacular savings on all your needs for fall. Our high-end fall clothing is here and waiting to adorn you. Looking for the perfect Halloween costume? Look no further than the Goose. October is golden at the Goose! The Golden Goose Fashion Show at the MountainView…

You Are Invited to the 17th Annual Advent Lunch

The shepherds who came to worship the Christ child have been revered and honored by Christians for centuries. However, at the time of Christ, people would likely have seen shepherds in a far less positive light. Despite being on the lowest rung of the ladder in society, the shepherds’ message caused others to marvel in wonder…

SaddleBrooke TWO Board Adopts Pickleball as an Amenity and Partially Funds Expansion

Raymond H. Goettsch At the Sept. 10 work session, the SaddleBrooke Homeowners Association Two (SaddleBrooke TWO) considered the request by the SaddleBrooke Pickleball Association (SPA) that SaddleBrooke TWO adopt the pickleball program as a funded amenity and contribute $280,000 to the long-planned expansion of eight new courts at the Ridgeview location. After more than an…

SaddleBrooke Republican Club

Debbie McGeehan The SaddleBrooke Republican Club met at the DesertView Theater on Sept. 8 at 3:30 p.m. We pledged allegiance to the flag; President Dan Culver delivered announcements, and Ron Aeschliman sang “America.” Sheriff Mark Lamb was our guest speaker. He did an exceptional job presenting information about the border issues and our drug crisis. We…

Message from the Mayor

Mayor Joe Winfield, Oro Valley When I’m out and about in Oro Valley, I often hear Oro Valley business owners say how SaddleBrooke is such an important customer base—vital to their economic strength and success. I couldn’t agree more. Thank you, SaddleBrooke! You may not technically be within Oro Valley town limits, but you are…

SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network Pet Food Drive

The September pet food drive held Sept. 17 was a huge success! We filled a large pickup truck and received $1,360 in cash donations. The families in Pinal County, who are struggling to keep their pets in their home with them, will have a much better chance thanks to Lynda Nesbitt and her team of…

No Child Should Go to Bed Hungry

Rosemary Douglas The primary mission of the Tri-Community Food Bank (TCFB) is to provide emergency food to our needy neighbors so that no child goes to bed hungry. TCFB provides food boxes twice monthly to more than 350 families. We also offer some financial assistance for rent and/or utilities, once annually. The food bank has…

SaddleBrooke Parkinson’s PWR! MovesBalance Club

Vera Shury Save the date for Oct 21 and reserve your spot for a talk by neurologist Dr Maria Ospina. Visit for more information and to reserve your place. Frontal Plane: Abs Above and Below the Belt As we let our muscles decline (sarcopenia) and look down on the floor, rounding our backs and leaning forward, our organs slip…

New Technology to Assist Hearing

Please join us on Wednesday, Oct. 27 at 7 p.m. in the MountainView Ballroom as the audiology team from Sonoran Ear, Nose, and Throat presents the newest advancements in technology to assist hearing. Jamie Landau, Au.D. and Amanda Kester Au.D. will be discussing various options and devices that go above and beyond the traditional hearing…

Oracle Schools Foundation’s Spring Fling Auction

Ann Vernon We all know that persistence and patience pay off, but, for me, patience has been a struggle, as I am anxious to get on with a post-COVID life. On the other hand, I am optimistically persisting with plans for the Oracle Schools Foundation’s Spring Fling Auction (formerly the Gala), which will be held…