Esta Goldstein Located at the Pinal County Sheriff’s Substation, the Prescription Drug Drop-Off Program is scheduled for Friday, Sept. 10 from 10 a.m. to noon and Tuesday, Sept. 28 from 2 to 4 p.m. Drop off is always the second Friday and the fourth Tuesday of every month. No liquids, syringes, creams, or sharps will…
Category: Generals
Generals, September 2021
The SaddleBrooke WWII Roundtable Presents Liberty Ships
Larry Linderman The SaddleBrooke World War II Roundtable is back. We are happy to announce that the Roundtable will resume its meetings, presenting speakers who will enlighten us on all aspects of WWII. Our next program will feature SaddleBrooke’s own Bruce Rogers, who has made a study of the so-called Liberty Ships that played a…
Generals, September 2021
SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network

Donations Needed for Wags & Walkers’ Jewelry Boutique Marcy Vernon Donations of gently used jewelry, purses, hats, scarves, and accessories are needed for the Wags & Walkers’ Jewelry Boutique table at this year’s I Don’t Want It Sale on Oct. 16. Donations can be dropped off in SaddleBrooke, Unit 16 at 65639 E. Stoney Ridge Dr.…
Generals, September 2021
Holiday Editorial Deadline Change: Mark Your Calendar for November 23
Elizabeth Maddox, Editorial Assistant Hello everybody! Please mark your calendars for a temporary editorial deadline change due to the holiday season. The editorial deadline for the December issue is 4 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 23, right before the Thanksgiving holiday. Thank you!
Generals, September 2021
Oracle’s National Night Out October 5
Bonnie Goldman Together we are making communities safer, more caring places to live. This is our nation’s 39th community building campaign, which promotes police and community partnerships. National Night Out triumphs over a culture that isolates us from each other, and it allows us to rediscover our own communities. Millions of neighbors take part in National…
Generals, September 2021
Senior Village at SaddleBrooke – Neighbors helping Neighbors

Senior Village Thanks the Community Diane Demeroutis “It takes a village” rings true when it comes to Senior Village at SaddleBrooke. As the wise Greek Aesop expressed, “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” In addition to unbounded gratitude for the thousands of hours spent annually by the Village’s 210 volunteers to…
Generals, September 2021
SaddleBrooke Community Outreach Happenings
Save the Date for 2021 SBCO Home Tour Nancy McCluskey-Moore The 2021 SaddleBrooke Community Outreach (SBCO) home tour, which will focus on remodeled homes, will be held on Saturday, Nov. 13. The 2018 and 2019 tours were so well received (the 2020 tour was cancelled due to the pandemic), the events committee decided to host…
Generals, September 2021
September at the Golden Goose
Ann Coziahr Settle into September with creature comforts from the Goose! Curl up with a cozy throw and a N.Y. Times bestseller, or dream the day away with your favorite CD or DVD. Start that scrapbooking, crafting, or DIY project you put off all summer. Pot some fall plants, try some new fall recipes, and update…
Generals, September 2021
Master Gardener

Back to the Garden: Rain and Shine Sheilah Britton, Pinal County Master Gardener The summer of 2021 has been a marvelous time for gardening in our SaddleBrooke and SaddleBrooke Ranch communities. Tomatoes, squash, potatoes, lettuce, herbs, and flowers were abundant before the rains of July, and cooler temperatures have allowed us to enjoy our homegrown delights…
Generals, September 2021
CCP’s November Dinner Theatre Treat: An Evening of One Acts

Andrea Molberg A dining and theatrical treat is coming in November! Community Circle Players (CCP), our very own dinner theatre troupe, will be performing in a new format—a series of eight short, stand-alone plays interspersed with a delightful meal. These one-act plays, not merely skits or vignettes, are thought provoking, tender, and hilarious. The performance format…