Category: August 2022

Fantasy Football League

You loved the game of football as a youngster. You still love watching NFL football many years later. You enjoy the banter with other fans. If so, you can become the general manager of your own NFL football team. SaddleBrooke has its own NFL fantasy football league run through Yahoo, named SaddleBrooke Shines. It’s a…

Jewish Friendship Group

Marsha Foresman The Jewish Friendship Group (JFG) has had an active and rewarding season. We were able to meet in person for all activities. The Book Club will meet again in October. We look forward to reviewing interesting books with our winter residents who bring us lively discussions and new and sometimes controversial opinions. We…

Hearing V-I-B-E-S

Who We Are: We are SaddleBrooke residents who recognize the need in our community for a caring place of support and education for those experiencing hearing loss and those beginning to research this topic for themselves or a loved one. What We Do: (1) Discuss issues we face, learn tips and solutions, receive handout educational…

What Is Reiki?

Reiki is a precise method of connecting the energy that is all around us with the body’s innate powers of healing and relaxation. It teaches that disease is not separate from the body. It is the body out of balance. Reiki energy has several basic effects: It brings about deep relaxation; assists in the release of…

The Neck and Shoulder Connection

Craig W. Brue, D.C. Dr. Eric Ricchette, an orthopedic shoulder specialist with the Cleveland Clinic, states that “neck and shoulder pain so commonly overlap that some refer to it as schneck pain.” Why? Because the neck and shoulder are intimately controlled by a common branch of nerves called the brachial plexus. The brachial plexus of nerves…

Yoga and You

Karen Callan On Wednesday, Sept. 14, at 6 p.m. at the SaddleBrooke One Activity Center, Metaphysical Explorations presents “Yoga and You” with Karen Callan. When we asked the community what topics they wanted to dive into, yoga was at the top of the list, and for good reason. It changes people’s lives for the better.…

News You Can Use

Please join us on Sept. 13 in the SaddleBrooke TWO ballroom for our September meeting. Due to renovations in the DesertView Theatre, we are meeting in the ballroom. Our speakers will be invited winners from the Republican Primary. Doors open at 3 p.m., and the meeting will start promptly at 3:30 p.m. More information will…

Friends of the Library Volunteer Opportunities

Joyce Faulkner Friends of SaddleBrooke Libraries (FSL) history and opportunities to various landmarks throughout the Southwest region. However, there is another benefit that FSL provides to SaddleBrooke residents, and that is the opportunity to volunteer by assisting with membership events or joining the board of directors and working with other resident volunteers to help maintain the…