Yoga and You

Karen Callan

On Wednesday, Sept. 14, at 6 p.m. at the SaddleBrooke One Activity Center, Metaphysical Explorations presents “Yoga and You” with Karen Callan.

When we asked the community what topics they wanted to dive into, yoga was at the top of the list, and for good reason. It changes people’s lives for the better. But why? What makes yoga so beneficial?

In Sanskrit, the basic principles of Patanjali’s Eight Limb Path of yoga, as they were originally composed prior to 450 A.D., are yama (abstinences), niyama (observances), asana (posture), pranayama (breath control), pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses), dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation), and samadhi (enlightenment).

The asana practice, which most Westerners associate with yoga, is only one branch of the eight limbs or paths of yoga. To embrace the full spiritual benefits of yoga, one would begin with the yamas and niyamas, learning about who we are as loving and kind human beings. From there, one would begin the asana practice—the movement of the body and breath in different poses.

Yoga is a spiritual practice. It takes dedication and time to follow the path of a true yogic journey. The challenges of spiritual growth are not for the weary, but the benefits of being aware, connected, and at peace are what keep bringing yogis back to the mat.

On this evening we will experience the benefits of various yoga breathing techniques and postures, which anybody can practice.

When we link our breath to our movements, we come into alignment mentally, physically, and emotionally. We feel connected not only to ourselves, but to our environment and our higher being as well. The best part of any asana practice is the feeling of ease and calm.

Karen has always been on a spiritual mission, hoping to bring more peace, love, and kindness into this world. She is the author of Just in Time: How to Find Joy and Synchronicity in Every Moment. Karen is an E-RYT-500 yoga teacher, having taught yoga for 17 years. She currently helps others as a spiritual psychic medium. You can learn more at

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