What Is Reiki?

Reiki is a precise method of connecting the energy that is all around us with the body’s innate powers of healing and relaxation. It teaches that disease is not separate from the body. It is the body out of balance.

Reiki energy has several basic effects: It brings about deep relaxation; assists in the release of energy blockages; provides new vitality in the form of balancing universal life energy; and increases the vibrational frequency of the body in its ability to heal itself.

Complementary or alternative medicine, now more accurately called integrative medicine, is one of the fastest growing aspects of health care today. And in the field of integrative medicine, Reiki is one of the fastest growing disciplines. There are more than a million practitioners in the Western world, and the number increases daily. Reiki is simple—easily learned, easily practiced, and it works. The effects are measurable and often profound. Because Reiki trainings at the first and second levels are usually conducted over a weekend, practitioners at all levels are looking for more information about this simple and profound technique.

Our SaddleBrooke community has the pleasure of bringing Reiki natural healing practice by Reiki Master Patti Gould with the upcoming First Degree class on Aug. 26 and 27 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on both Friday and Saturday.

Come join for a fascinating experience in natural healing.

Register at www.ReikiNaturalHealingUS.com for location.