Category: July 2023

Racquet Sport Safety Tips

Mike Oberski Unfortunately, each year there are about 36 million falls from people older than 65 years, and about three million of them wind up in the ER (Ref: AARP Bulletin, June 2023). But don’t give up yet. There are some techniques to falling, even in sports like tennis and pickleball, that could make a…

Prescription Drug Drop-Off Dates

The dates for the SaddleBrooke Prescription Drug Drop-Off are as follows: Friday, July 14, from 10 a.m. to noon Tuesday, July 25, from 2 to 4 p.m. Friday, Aug. 11, from 10 a.m. to noon Tuesday, Aug. 22, from 2 to 4 p.m. Drop off unused prescription drugs at the Pinal County Sheriff’s office in…

Feline Authors Hit the Slopes in Style

Carly and Charly Let’s Go Snowboarding is the 10th book in The Adventures of Carly and Charly series for kids ages 5 to 8. As two adventure cats, we tell the story of conquering the great outdoors in the snow. As new boarders, we’re careful to assemble all the safety gear we need and to…

Red, White, and Fun Tennis/POP Play and Potluck Luncheon

Anne Williams Who says summer in SaddleBrooke is too hot? Fortunately, the temperatures in late May/early June were moderate. This allowed 32 POP and 48 SaddleBrooke Tennis Club (STC) tennis players to enjoy two hours of lively court competition on May 29 for a Memorial Day Tennis/POP play event and potluck luncheon. Members, many of…

Tri-Community Food Bank Celebrates Sunrise Rotary

Rosemary Douglas The Tri-Community Food Bank (TCFB) has a good friend in the SaddleBrooke Sunrise Rotary (SBSR). For several years SBSR members have been coming to the Food Bank three times a month to help us unload food deliveries, some of which are extra large and very heavy. They help unpack pallets, date items, and…

IJSS: Summer!

As we get into summer, it is nice to stay connected and celebrate the changes and warmth of the season. In friendship, we will meet a couple of times during the summer just to say “hello.” A gathering for July is also being planned as a congregation with Jewish Friendship Group (JFG) to meet before…

Unit Happenings

A Renaissance Luncheon for Unit 4 Ladies Connie Kotke, Deputy Unit Rep Twenty-two women from SaddleBrooke One Unit 4 enjoyed an artistic Renaissance luncheon on June 21 at Bottega Michelangelo on Magee Road in Oro Valley. It was hard to choose from a wide variety of salads, pasta dishes, bruschetta, and more—but we managed! After…

Table Tennis Club Plays SaddleBrooke Ranch

Greg Hlushko On June 11 the SaddleBrooke Table Tennis Club held a tournament with the SaddleBrooke Ranch team at our club. A total of 24 matches were played, which included both singles and doubles. Each team had eight players. SaddleBrooke prevailed against a talented Ranch team. Everyone had a great time. John Hess was the…