Stuart Watkins Thoughts passing through one’s mind perhaps they should be acted on or let slip into the fog of faded memory memory of ages long ago gone
Category: Features
Features, May 2022
Strawberry Moon or Pink Moon
Christine Reding Why the brilliant reddish hue? The Algonquin Indians anoint this name As implantation of strawberries are due Environmental plateaus are not the same Birchbark canoes along with the river glides Fish lines constructed of deer splinters or bone Roundish bull boats covered with buffalo hides Containing firewood or fresh meat to ferry home…
Features, May 2022
Word of the Month: Emplacement
David Zapatka While watching the last two episodes of The Expanse, I heard significant dialogue about the rail guns being used by Marcos Inaros, the leader of the Belters’ Free Navy, who was intent on destroying the Inners (pronounced Innas), the people residing on Earth, Luna (the moon), and Mars. These rail guns were powerful…
Features, May 2022
This I Have Learned…
A License to Laugh! Mary Jo Bellner Swartzberg Do you ever look at license plates while you are stopped in traffic or at a red light? Some of us do. For it seems that creativity, in the form of a unique admixture of letters and numbers on license plates, abounds on the highways and byways…
Features, May 2022
Thanks to Our Tennis Professionals for Teaching the Grandkids POP

Debbie McGeehan Kids sure love to run around! Saturday, April 16, was Grandkids Day on the courts. The grandparents brought their grandchildren to the tennis courts after an hour of fun and games on the pickleball courts. They still had an enormous amount of energy! Thanks to our tennis professionals TJ Duffy, Gene McGeehan, and…
Features, May 2022
Bugs Be Gone with Essential Oils
JoAnne Gaudioso Don’t let the bugs bug you this spring. Watching a gorgeous sunset? Hiking to a lake for a scenic swim? Getting out to play a round of golf? Throwing your annual barbeque with loved ones or friends? Nothing can ruin the perfect outdoors moment like pesky mosquitoes and insects. Spring is also a…
Features, May 2022
Feline Authors Hit the Tennis Courts in Style

Carly and Charly After the successful launch of the Adventures of Carly and Charly series with How It All Began and Let’s Go Boating, we’re now headed out onto the tennis courts. Who would have guessed? In Let’s Play Tennis, we hit the courts in full gear with matching shades, shirts, and shoes, because we…
Features, May 2022
Resident Author

Local Author Reveals History of Oracle Junction, Arizona Nancy McCluskey-Moore SaddleBrooke resident and local historian Bob Simpson has authored a third book, The History of Oracle Junction, AZ. This latest work, like his previous two-volume book, From the Ca˜nada del Oro to the Tortolitas, is the result of extensive research using various documents, including online…
Features, May 2022
Madaras Gallery Presents the Masters Series

Starting Sunday, May 1, through Tuesday, May 31, Madaras Gallery presents the Masters Series. The Masters Series is a collection of saguaros painted in the style of master artists. Join us for this special month-long event and see the Southwest interpreted by Diana Madaras in the styles of Jackson Pollock, Frida Kahlo, Van Gogh, and…
Features, May 2022
U.S. Military History: Memorial Day Poppies
Ross Dunfee World War I concluded with about 10 million military personnel killed, and a like number of civilians. One particularly bloody battle during WWI was at the Second Battle of Ypres (Belgium) where, on April 22, 1915, Germany fired 150 tons of lethal chlorine gas against two French and Algerian Divisions and two days…