Category: Generals

Unit 27 Activities

Betty and Rick Cole on their PurpleStride walk in SaddleBrooke.

Sue Case As most group activities have been cancelled, an article describing unit activities is not possible. The social distancing requirements have ostensibly turned us all into mole people. Being sure, however, that the residents of this active adult community are not just idly sitting around, I asked our Unit 27 residents to tell me…

Save the Date for the Health Fair on October 24

Phyllis Ketring Mark your calendars for October 24, for the annual SaddleBrooke Health Fair. After you mark your calendars, make a note on your “To Do” lists to volunteer for the upcoming fair. Volunteering on a Saturday morning takes less than two hours, with a brief orientation prior to the fair. It’s that easy. And it’s fun.…

SaddleBrooke Community Outreach

Student Attending ASU with the Help of Community Outreach Ron Andrea Makayla Martinez graduated third in her class at Superior High School with a 3.8 GPA. She was treasurer of both DECA and Student Council and served as both president and editor of her yearbook. She worked as a restaurant cashier and as a lifeguard…