Unit 27 Activities

Betty and Rick Cole on their PurpleStride walk in SaddleBrooke.

Betty and Rick Cole on their PurpleStride walk in SaddleBrooke.

Sue Case

As most group activities have been cancelled, an article describing unit activities is not possible. The social distancing requirements have ostensibly turned us all into mole people. Being sure, however, that the residents of this active adult community are not just idly sitting around, I asked our Unit 27 residents to tell me what they were doing these days. I am reporting on their responses.

Betty and Rick Cole have participated in the annual PurpleStride 5k community celebration in Phoenix, as a fundraiser to support pancreatic cancer patients. This year, the two of them did a five-mile fundraising walk in SaddleBrooke and shared photos with donors.

Carol Goldberg and Lennie Good both used their sewing talents to make masks for hospitals and non-clinical workers. Additionally, Carol reported that she is cleaning out the cupboards, has learned how to cook again, and husband Marv has discovered Zoom. Similarly, Lennie Skypes with her 2.5-year-old grandson and tries to figure out what he is saying.

Both Cindy Sheckler and Eileen Depka are searching their respective ancestries and have found some very interesting family stories. Eileen and husband Jeff also recently re-discovered Wii and are now bowling and playing virtual as well as actual golf. In addition to genealogy, Cindy is getting ready to start a carpentry business with her son, who lives in Portland.

Fran Lowy created a pottery studio in her backyard and is making a totem for the yard. Fira Stout is crocheting covers for wooden hangers to give as Christmas gifts. Sandy Barney also is doing craft work. Carol Merlini is planting a vegetable garden and trying to fend off the birds.

New neighbors, Tod and Randi Roberts, are unpacking and dreaming of golf. Carol and Richard Merlini go off-roading.

Darlene Breitenfeld, Fira Stout, and Sandy Barney reported reading, and Bonnie Barker says Amazon is now her BFF!

Last, but not least, Ron Bouchard listed so many activities that one might reasonably wonder when he sleeps! He did say, however, that he hugs his wife a couple of times a day and thanks her for all the things she does for him every day. Aww!

Be well, everyone.