Marilyn Anthony Our annual Father’s Day BBQ will take place on Wednesday, June 17 at the Roadrunner Grill at 5:30 p.m. Menu will include BBQ beef ribs and chicken, cole slaw (vinegar based), vegetarian ranch beans, ice cream sundae or sorbet upon request. And although we are celebrating the fathers, it means the mothers also…
Category: Clubs & Classes
Clubs & Classes, May 2015
MountainView Bridge Club
Stephanie Parks Spring has sprung and we have some big games coming up. First, on the first of May, is the Phoenix Silver Sun Sectional (May 1 to 3) in Glendale, Arizona; then on Sunday, May 17 is the Pro-Am game at Adobe at 12:30 p.m.(game starts at 1:00 p.m.). Sign up with your favorite…
Clubs & Classes, May 2015
Let’s Dance & SaddleBrooke Ballroom Dance Clubs
Steve Holdener What is a cockchafer and its relationship to a bodkin? According to Wikepedia a cockchafer is a European beetle and it’s also called a May bug, Mitchamador, Billy Witch or Spang Beetle. A bodkin has been described as a dagger, stiletto, ornamental hairpin shaped like a stiletto or a sharp slender instrument for…
Clubs & Classes, May 2015
AL Auxiliary poppy symbolizes nation’s sacrifice
Neil Macdonald Members of American Legion Auxiliary Oro Valley Unit 132 understand the sacrifice members of our Armed Forces have made to preserve the freedom enjoyed by all Americans. To honor our fallen heroes, auxiliary members will wear a red remembrance poppy as a sign of their appreciation on Memorial Day weekend. The American Legion…
Clubs & Classes, May 2015
Dance Expo highlights

SaddleBrooke resident members of Why Not Dance participated in a Dance Expo held recently at the MountainView Ballroom dance floor. Trudy Varga participated in International and American style ballroom dances with Miro Tomosiak. Linda Rosenkrans and Walt Teike partnered in American smooth and rhythm dances. The Expo was an all day program attended by ballroom…
Clubs & Classes, May 2015
Sunrise Rotary Club thrilled to have Bob Logan as guest speaker
Clubs & Classes, May 2015
SaddleBrooke Democratic Club news
Jim Vavra The April meeting of the SaddleBrooke Democratic Club was well held on Tuesday, April 14. Those in attendance were treated to a lively discussion by Tory Anderson and Amanda Morton representing the Secular Coalition of Arizona. Tory is the lobbyist for the organization and Amanda is a volunteer on the Coalition’s staff. They…
Clubs & Classes, May 2015
Part 20: Classic Argentine Tango Dance styles
Lidia and Hector Legrand If you are interested in learning more about Argentine Tango and Tango events in SaddleBrooke, please visit our website,, where you can also read Parts 1 through 19 of this series. Tango Canyengue is a style from the early 1900s, still popular today. It contains all elements of traditional Argentine…
Clubs & Classes, May 2015
SaddleBrooke hikers search for wildflowers
Clubs & Classes, May 2015
DesertView Cinema Club: job opening
Bob Goodman After a wonderful 10 years of serving as the able Publicist for the DesertView Cinema Club, Dick Fleming has decided to retire. Many thanks to Dick for his fine work. As a result, we need a new volunteer for this position. What does the Publicist do? He/she puts together notices for the SaddleBrooke…