Stuart Watkins I won my pile of woes riding in rodeos county, state, even national rodeos broke my nose and bent my spurs riding in rodeos but I’m a cowboy can’t you see got the rodeo blood in me roping a steer ain’t nothing I fear bull riding is another thing thought I was cowboy…
Category: Features
Features, April 2020
SaddleBrooke Yard Art

Stuart Watkins Driving and walking around the various streets in SaddleBrooke, I began to notice the odd, unusual, and beautiful pieces of art that many of our residents have in their front yards. Drive or walk a different route from the one you usually take and pause to check out some of the sculptures, art,…
Features, April 2020
SaddleBrooke Gift Shop
Features, April 2020
Spotlight On Advertiser: Are You Sick of Being Cooped Up in Your House?
Sarah at Titan Power Sports and Rentals Governor Ducey created a list of essential businesses, naming outdoor recreation on the list. We have all heard that nature’s cure is fresh air and sunshine! The topic of many people’s conversations surrounds where they can safely go. Many locals and current tourists do not know what is still…
Features, April 2020
Dollars and Sense: Reverse Mortgage (Part 2 in a series of 5-articles)
Melanie Sedam One of the strengths of the home equity conversion mortgage (HECM) loan program is that there are not overly restrictive requirements, making these loans easier to qualify for than other financial products such as a mortgage refinance, home equity loan, or home equity line of credit (HELOC). You are eligible for a reverse…
Features, April 2020
Birth of a Deer
Features, April 2020
An Electric Bike for You? Part 2

Roger Fife As a follow up to last month’s article on e-bikes, this installment discusses two important, relevant topics: classes of e-bikes and power sensing. The final installment, planned for next month, will be advice on purchasing an electric bike. There are three e-bike classes. Some of the following definitions may vary by trail or state. Class…