Category: March 2019

SaddleBrooke Computer Club

Computer Club discusses smart phones Dennis Korger Smart Phone Answers is the topic for our meeting in the MountainView ballroom on Friday, March 29, at 1:00 p.m. This presentation is free to all SaddleBrooke residents and their guests. Alex Bruno will be answering the most frequently asked questions submitted in advance by computer club members…

Why do we dance?

Dr. Mark Magdanz Delaying the effects of aging has become one highly researched topic as our Boomer Generation retires. Aging is inevitable, but we may delay the rapidity and severity of life’s changes. Some things, if done, delay brain decline caused by aging. These are well established: 1) Stay socially active, read and do mental…

The Book I’m Going to Publish

Stuart Watkins When I’m not writing, I’m lonely. When I’m writing, I feel I am among friends, or soon will be. Poets, authors, play writers, song writers; they are all there waiting to share my words, my thoughts, my ideas. And, sometimes they write back with their views and comments. Sometimes they don’t. And I…

SSLC at Tucson Gem and Mineral Show

Every year Tucson enjoys hosting the largest Gem Show in the world, with a large number of vendors and visitors from all over the globe. While there are many different venues throughout the city, the oldest and most prestigious of them all is the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show, held at the Tucson Convention Center.…

Tennis Fanatics Exposed

H.V. Topspin, Esq. “A fanatic is one who can’t change his mind and won’t change the subject.” Winston Churchill One of my favorite mathematicians (not that I have that many-Heisenberg being the other), is Vilfredo Pareto who posited that all groups can be divided into two distributions of roughly 80%-20%. With tennis players, the 20%…

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Louise Grabell Most people in our neighborhood are confused about irrigation. Or, they just don’t know much about this process. For now, the soil is very moist so no worries there. However, we will shortly be experiencing some very hot weather. I for one can’t wait! And now is the time to get some education…

Jewish Friendship Group news

Marilyn Anthony Our upcoming event is a Potluck on Saturday, March 30 at the Activity Center, SaddleBrooke One. This event is always overflowing so please RSVP to Sherry Marmorstein, [email protected], to hold your spot and confirm with her what dish you will be bringing. All dishes should come with a list of ingredients, please; we…

MountainView Bridge Club news

Sue Bush If you are involved in duplicate bridge in SaddleBrooke, you probably know long-time resident, bridge player and realtor, Trudie Penta. Not only is she a regular player at MountainView, she has been a director at the popular Monday SaddleBrooke One Duplicate Bridge club game for 14 years. Originally from Bethlehem, Pennsylvania Trudie migrated…