Michael Buckley The November Nature Club meeting featured cultural anthropologist and acclaimed author Dr. Barbara Marriott. Dr. Marriott, a SaddleBrooke resident, has published 14 books detailing the history and personality of the Southwest. Barbara wove a wonderful story about the Mine with the Iron Door. Her presentation included a discussion of the legend, the book,…
Category: January 2022
Clubs & Classes, January 2022
Cyclemasters Donate to SBCO

Recently, the SaddleBrooke Cyclemasters gave a donation of $1,000 to SaddleBrooke Community Outreach (SBCO). We did this for several reasons, including the fact that they allow the Cyclemasters group to process and distribute the SaddleBrooke Progress newspapers from their offices, but also because it is a cause that we, as members, believe in. SaddleBrooke Community Outreach…
Generals, January 2022
Audition for CCP’s Newly Announced Spring Show
Andrea Molberg Calling all thespians to audition for the warm comedy The Curious Savage, which will be Community Circle Players’ (CCP) spring dinner theatre production. The story is about an elderly widow, Mrs. Savage, who intends to give her fortune away. Wanting to protect their inheritance, her strongly objecting stepchildren have her committed to a…
Clubs & Classes, January 2022
2021 Was a Busy Year for SaddleBrooke Sunrise Rotary

Maggie de Block Fighting hunger, increasing literacy, helping homeless veterans, caring for our community. SaddleBrooke Sunrise Rotary members were busy volunteering this year with our service projects, which ranged from the Mammoth Food Bank to increasing literacy in the Southern Copper Corridor. Our work began on Jan. 6 at the Mammoth Food Bank, where we…
Generals, January 2022
Jigsaw Puzzles in the Brooke
Pat Schlote SaddleBrooke residents are welcome to borrow a puzzle anytime and return it when finished (there will be no monitoring/based on the honor system). Puzzles range from 250 to 3,000 pieces. Donations are always welcome. We now have two locations: MountainView hallway cabinet/armoire across from the ballroom and DesertView hallway cabinet/armoire across from the…
Generals, January 2022
Prescription Drug Drop-Off Program
The SaddleBrooke Prescription Drug Drop-Off Program is scheduled for the second Friday of the month from 10 a.m. to noon and the fourth Tuesday of the month from 2 to 4 p.m. January Schedule: Friday, Jan. 14 and Tuesday, Jan. 25 February Schedule: Friday, Feb. 11 and Tuesday, Feb. 22 Drop off your unused prescription drugs at…
Generals, January 2022
Free Cryptocurrency Seminar Inspired by Resident’s Book

Stuart Watkins SaddleBrooke resident Stuart Watkins is sponsoring a free cryptocurrency seminar inspired by his book Tombstone, Boothill, and Short Stories, Poems, Prose, with fun twists and turns. Tombstone Rex is said to be the first cryptocurrency based in Arizona. The seminar will have Robert Steele, one of the founders of Rexnet, as a guest to…
Sports, January 2022
SaddleBrooke Lady Niners Elect New Officers
Generals, January 2022
Arizona Red & Pink Hats Sparkles State Convention
Glamour and Glitz, hosted by Desert Ya Ya’s and Chapeaux Rouge, is scheduled for March 5, 2022, from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in the San Tan Ballroom at the Cottonwood clubhouse, 25630 Brentwood Drive, in Sun Lakes. Formal dress is required; you must be in royal colors. The hosts are Queen Mum Ann Crabtree…