Let the fun begin!
Eileen J. Snearly
It took a village to get this idea together.
On May 11, 2022, the Neighborhood Bridge Group met at the home of Phyllis Cadden to play cards, have fun, and donate items to Sister Jose’s Women’s Center. Present were Phyllis, Lauanne Leising, Beth Effenberer, Jan Brenny, Susie Prescott, Julie Davis, Karin Harden, Sue Hedrick, Karen Lippe, and Carie Scalzo. The regular bridge play took place until 3:30 p.m., and then the fun continued. All bridge players were asked to bring at least two sacks of giveaways: clothing, shoes, jewelry, handbags, scarves, and collectables.
One sack was appropriate to donate to Sister Jose’s Women’s Center, and the other was for those attending to swap and trade.
This group of SaddleBrooke ladies had a good time and has decided to make this an annual event.