Raymond H. Goettsch
On Nov. 8–10, 2024, 78 members of the SaddleBrooke Pickleball Association (SPA) faced off against 78 SaddleBrooke Ranch Pickleball Association (SRPA) members on the SRPA courts in The Battle for the Saddle Tournament. The tournament was for women’s, men’s, and mixed doubles teams competing in a round-robin format in which each SPA team played each SPRA team in the same class. The teams were classified by skill level: 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, and 4.0. Medals were awarded to the top three teams in each skill level: gold (first place), silver (second place), and bronze (third place).
Overall, the SPA teams won 106 games, and the SRPA teams prevailed in 154 games. Based on total points, SRPA teams scored 2,490 points, and the SPA teams scored 1978 points.
The women’s teams played Nov. 8, and SPA members earned medals in the 3.0, 3.5, and 4.0 levels. In the 4.0 level, SPA members won all of the medal places. Denise Leksell and Diana Giljohann won gold, Cindy McAlbin and Joan Van Matre won silver, and Kristy Jonhson and Jill Ducket won bronze. Carolyn Nickum and Janine Sulivan finished fourth at the 4.0 level. A SPA women’s team also won gold on the 3.0 level with Jen Wilkin and Julie Warren.
On Nov. 9 the men’s teams played, with SPA members winning medals in the 3.5 and 4.0 levels. In the 4.0 level, Brent Carlson and Mike Seidel earned the gold medal. Joel Ficke and Jack Hoverter won the silver medal in the 3.5 level, and Jay Schweitzer and Dave Connor won the bronze medal in the 3.5 level.
The mixed teams played on Nov. 10, and Lizzy Bayard and Joel Ficke earned the gold medal in the 3.0 level. In the 3.5 level, Michael Hovan and Sue Wood won the silver medal.
SPA participants hope more SPA members will play in next year’s tournament on the home courts at the Ed Robson Pickleball Center and finally bring the saddle trophy home where it belongs.